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Here's my top tips for becoming a SEO Hero:

Updated: Feb 22, 2021


  1. Research Keywords that people are searching (don't guess, find out exactly what phrases they are using)

  2. Write new content on your website often, be original!

  3. Write specific Page Titles for each of your webpages that use good keywords. Keep your page titles to around 40-55 characters.

  4. Make sure each page has a unique title tag, use the keyword phrase at the beginning of the tag. 

  5. Use H1 Tags for your header on every page, make sure to use or match the same keywords as you use in your Page Title meta tags.

  6. Add page meta descriptions to all pages incorporating keywords and being concise and informative for users to know what's on the page. Keep the descriptions under 155 characters.

  7. If you do add meta keywords to your meta tags, keep them short - limit to ten on a page, and make sure to include the words somewhere in your content on that page. Keep in mind that Google and most other search engines don't look at meta keywords, so they are not required and are considered obsolete, but keeping them brief and specific to the page won't hurt.

  8. Incorporate your keyword phrase in the first 100 words in your page's content.

  9. Setup Google Business page - add location (you don't have to list/show the exact address if you don't have a shop or store, rather, you can set it up so you show up in an area)

  10. Setup a Google Webmasters Account / Search Console and submit your sitemap.xml files for quick indexing here »

  11. Submit your website and sitemap to Bing Webmasters

  12. Submit your website to a category on

  13. Start a blog, post often!

  14. Include your most recent blog posts on your homepage

  15. Make sure your address is EXACTLY the same across all social media and listings. 

  16. Post original photos and graphics, make sure to add "Image Text" with keywords to tell Google what your image is about (also called "alt text", see my screenshot on this page to see where this is located in your Image Settings.

  17. Figure out the top questions customers ask, create pages about each question, write original answers, use researched keywords in your page titles and content

  18. Name page URLs with keywords – name the URLs and image filenames contain hyphens rather than underscores (hyphens act as "spaces" in GoogleLand). Keep your URL short, around 70-80 characters.

  19. Use Social Media to spread the word about your website, post about your latest blog posts or FAQs, etc! Post often!

  20. Use Google AdWords, setup ads, spend $20-$100+ a month on ads, analyze what keywords people are clicking on your ads for. Setup various ads to see what's most popular.

  21. Build landing pages for Google AdWords ads that are designed with the specific keywords in mind. Make sure your content and imagery is relevant to the keywords and is interesting to the user. Add a contact form to capture their info for following up, offer a 20% discount or a free Tips Sheet in exchange for an email address. 

  22. Build new pages often – write about keyword phrase topics, post images with alt tags.

  23. Title your Images – give the images "alt text" and name the file and title them with keywords. Use hyphens for spaces in the image filename.

  24. Take screenshots of your website and pin them to Pinterest (make sure to link back to your site)

  25. Create VIDEOS! Use YouTube! Google owns YouTube, so using YouTube is very helpful with SEO. Using your existing google account associated with your Google Search Console and Google Business page, and setup a channel and add videos and optimize them with keyword phrases – write long descriptions, and link back to your website for more info. 

  26. Write in-depth original articles and blog posts that offer valuable information and solutions to your readers.

  27. Include outbound links to related informative websites.

  28. Work to get positive reviews on Google – the more the merrier! (Good reviews, of course, ask happy clients to review you.)

  29. Be a SEO Hero when you redesign a website by creating 301 Redirects to redirect to the new pages so you don't loose ranking or traffic. Learn more and how in my SEO Hero blog »



SEO Hero - Selecting Keywords

Use Google AdWords to get Keyword Ideas to become your own SEO Hero – Learn more »

SEO Hero – Google Business Listing
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