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SEO Hero Update

SEO Hero

I just wanted to followup on Wix's SEO Hero contest, in which Wix offered $50,000 to the website that could rank highest for the keywords "seo hero" in Google within a 4 month timeframe. This website,, was entered into the contest to see how well the Wix platform could perform with SEO, compared to competing SEO companies using everything from Wordpress to custom platforms, all vying for the $50,000 prize.

Well,, which I designed and built entirely in Wix, did VERY well in the contest, and, while it did not win the prize (the winners were a French team of SEO experts who built a nifty little keyword analyzing tool) this website did get an honorable mention from Wix themselves. And, as of August 9, 2017, is currently ranking between #3 and #4 in Google for "seo hero" – check out the screenshot above. That is amazing!

This means that this Wix website, which I single-handedly optimized for search engines by simply providing good SEO tips and content, performed exceptionally well against hundreds if not thousands of other SEO experts on all types of platforms who wanted to win $50,000. I also likely spent a fraction of time compared to what other SEO companies spent, I just used the honest way of providing REAL information about becoming a SEO hero. No gimmicks, no cheating, I just used the Wix platform for what it is built for – easy adding of fresh, useful content, quick blog posting, easy image uploading and using Wix's great SEO settings to setup all my pages to perform well for the keywords "seo hero."

I also recently participated as the SEO expert in a recent Wix Round Table where we discussed SEO Tips and why Wix is a great platform to use to get your website found. Brett Haralson hosted the round table, bringing Moran and Alissa, both from Wix's SEO team, and myself together to discuss SEO tips. It was a very interesting discussion, make sure to check it out on YouTube:

SEO Hero on YouTube

Need SEO or Website Design Services?

If you would like Website Design or SEO Consultation or Services, I'm happy to help. Call me at 720.260.3541 or contact me online.

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