SEO Heroes use H1 Tags
Naming your headlines on each page with specific keywords that relate to the page's content is important for becoming a SEO Hero. H1...
Why do people still hire web designers when there are website builders out there such as Wix, Square
Why hire a Web Designer if there are so many great DIY website builders available? There are many answers to that question: Because not...
SEO Meta Tags not Showing up in HTML Source Code of Wix Website?
Due to fact that Wix uses Ajax, the meta description and other page content can is viewed in the escape fragment of the page, to see...
SEO Hero Rankings List
If you're looking for the latest SEO Hero Rankings for Wix's SEO Hero contest, I built a page that shows a history of the rankings in...
Google is blocking non-active accounts from using their AdWords Keyword Planner Tool
The Google Keyword Planner just took a nose dive – in addition to showing only a range of values for search volume instead of actual...