Feed The beast! What's The Beast? The internet. I was lucky to live before the internet became a household name, and boy, has turned into a huge beast over the years! Where we used to have to go to the library and get an encyclopedia to find out more about a topic, we can now search and find thousands of webpages with information on any topic we can imagine. And so we search, we even have coined the word "Google" as a verb to describe that we searched for something: aka; Just Google it.
So, to get your website found online amongst the ever-growing list of websites out there, you need to FEED THE BEAST!
What do I mean by this? As a SEO Hero, I offer SEO consultations and packages where I help businesses build their Search Engine Optimization on their websites so that they can be found. Getting found on Google and other search engines isn't rocket science, you simply need to give lots of great information away. Think about what your customers' most commonly asked questions are, or what is the number one problem that clients come to you with, and then write about it on your website. Provide in-depth, valuable answers to questions. Add unique images that show or explain how something works.
Keep your website design simple and clean – and don't overwhelm your viewers with annoying popups (like email subscription popup windows), or with ads. Keep your site as clean as possible and provide valuable information to your customer.
Research keywords to find out what people are actually searching for that you'd like to be found for. You'd be surprised that where you may think they're searching for slightly different variations of the keywords, or you can also find long-tail keywords – which are longer, more niche keyword phrases to find something like: "website designer near me." or "Hatch chile seeds" vs "green chile seeds". You can use lots of free tools like Google Adwords' Keyword Planner tool that can help give you lots of ideas. Check out my SEO Hero Resources page with lots more SEO Hero tools »
Do you need a SEO Consultation or package? Contact us at 720.260.3541 or contact us online to get a free estimate. View our Website Design Portfolio for our recent Website Design & SEO work.