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Wix SEO Tips

Wix SEO Tips

A lot of small business's don't have a budget for SEO but want help with Wix SEO. So, I offer SEO Consultations to get them trained on how to do SEO for their website, using keyword phrases that we research and identify to help them know what to write. We train clients how to write blog posts, pages, and then optimize them for SEO. It's not hard, in fact, if you're inclined to write, it's quite easy! You just have to make the time to write and add content to your site. Take new pictures, create shareable infographics, and write about useful tips and information relating to your products or business.

If you want to try doing your own SEO, here are some of my Top SEO Hero Tips in my Wix SEO Blog. Here I talk about lots of SEO tools and ways to optimize your website to perform well in searches.

One of my favorite tools as a Wix SEO Expert is the Chrome Extension called Keywords Everywhere (shown in the screenshot above). You simply install this Chrome extension and then when you do searches in Google, it will display the stats on your search, as well as suggested "People also search for" keyword phrases. This is an invaluable tool to help determine what topics to write your pages and blog posts about. The big thing is to write about what you want to be found for, and write lots and lots of good unique content that is useful and answers common questions or needs.

The more content you add to your site on a regular basis, the better for SEO!

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